Oriens Aviation Ltd.
Established in 2015, Oriens Aviation Ltd. is proud to be an Authorised Pilatus Sales Centre. The company is based in Kent, where you will enjoy the personal support of staff who are dedicated to understanding your needs immediately. The qualified sales team will be pleased to advise you on all aspects of your purchase, from the initial decision right through to aircraft handover.
Oriens Aviation Ltd. 170 Churchill Way, London Biggin Hill Airport TN16 3BN Kent, United Kingdom Phone: +44 1959 573106 www.oriensaviation.com |
Opening times
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday |
09:00–17:30 09:00–17:30 09:00–17:30 09:00–17:30 09:00–17:30 |
(Public holidays not considered)

Sales Director
Sacha Demelo
Phone: +44 (0) 1959 573 106
Phone: +44 (0) 778 0811 691
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